Welcome to The State of California v. Vitol Inc., et al., Settlement Website

If you live in California and purchased gasoline at retail between February 20, 2015 and November 10, 2015 in any of ten Southern California counties, you may be eligible for payment from a settlement negotiated by the Attorney General of California.

Update 1/9/2025: The claims period has closed as of January 8, 2025. We will no longer accept online submissions. Paper claims will be accepted if the postmark date is January 8th or prior. Any claims submitted after this date will be considered late. 

A court has authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer and you are not being sued.

  • A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit between the Attorney General of California and three defendants, Vitol Inc., SK Energy Americas, Inc., and SK Trading International Co. Ltd. (collectively, “Defendants”). The Attorney General brought this lawsuit in his law enforcement capacity and on behalf of natural persons who reside in California.
  • The lawsuit alleges that Defendants manipulated gasoline price indices, causing inflated retail gas prices in California, in violation of California’s antitrust laws: the Cartwright Act and Unfair Competition Law.
  • Under the settlement, Defendants have agreed to pay the total amount of $50 million into two settlement funds to resolve these allegations. Of this total, $37,500,000 will be distributed to consumers as compensation for violations of the Cartwright Act, subject to deductions for payments of taxes, administration costs, and attorneys’ fees and costs.  $12,500,000 is assessed as a penalty under California’s Unfair Competition Law and will be used by state and local government to enforce consumer protection laws.
  • Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act.


You have until January 8, 2025 to submit a claim form, exclude yourself, or submit a written statement concerning the settlement.

The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the settlement. Payments will be made if the court approves the settlement and after any appeals are resolved.  Please be patient.


The only way to receive a payment.

Update 1/9/2025: The claims period has closed as of January 8, 2025. We will no longer accept online submissions. Paper claims will be accepted if the postmark date is January 8th or prior. Any claims submitted after this date will be considered late.


Receive no payment but maintain the ability to bring a separate legal claim. This is the only option that allows you to ever be part of any other lawsuit against Defendants regarding the conduct covered by this settlement.


If you are affected by the settlement (and you do not exclude yourself), you may make a statement for the court’s consideration in deciding whether to approve the settlement.  You may write to the Court or you may appear at and speak in court at the settlement approval hearing without providing any notice.


Receive no payment. Give up your rights. 

More Information

For more information on your legal rights and options, please review the Long Form Notice, found in the Case Documents page.